Hey!, are you looking for a new sound?
Have you ever considered making yourself a metal guitar pick out of an old coin?
Making a guitar pick out of a coin is a common DIY project for guitar players. Here are the steps you can follow to make your own guitar pick out of a coin:
The things you need to get started:
A Coin (preferably made of metal and not too thick)
Sandpaper (220 or 320 grit)
A sharpie or marker
A Metal saw / Jewelers saw
A file
Metal polish

Choose a coin that you like the size and thickness of.
Use a sharpie or marker to draw an outline of the guitar pick on the coin. You can use an existing pick as a guide for the shape, or create your own custom shape.
Use The saw to cut out the pick shape from the coin. Be sure to cut along the lines you drew as precisely as possible.
Use the file to smooth out the edges of the pick. You want to remove any rough spots or sharp edges that could potentially damage your guitar strings.

Use the sandpaper and files to smooth out the surface of the pick and to create the bevels. Start with a coarser grit, such as 220, and work your way up to a finer grit, such as 320.
Polish the pick you just created useing the metal polish To give your pick a smooth and polished finish.
Test out your new pick on your guitar to see how it feels and sounds. You may need to adjust the shape or thickness slightly to get the right feel for your playing style.
That’s it! With just a few tools and some elbow grease, you can create your own unique guitar pick from a coin.

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